
Dairy Science Park was established at the Univ Agric Peshawar during the First Int Conference and Industrial Exhibition on 21-23 Nov 2011. It was followed by DSP 2013


Description/achievement of initiative

DSP 2017 at Turkey and DSP 2019 at Quetta. Eight International Workshops were held on Biorisk Management, sponsored by Sandia National Laboratory, USA. Policy makers and representatives from academia, government, civil society, and the corporate sector were engaged. Pak Vet Med Council was and a training package was developed for integration into the DVM curriculum at various Pakistani universities. Local farmers and processors were facilitated in establishing entrepreneurship models.

Implementation methodologies

Triple Helix Models of Good governance is in practice, linking Academia, Industry, Government and the Society. The procedures comprise: 1. Registration of Farms, Veterinary Practitioners, Marketing Partners, and Service Providers; 2. Monitoring production practices, and identifying losses due to poor breeds, growth rates, reproduction, morbidity, and mortality due to diseases; 3. Introducing improved practices, technologies, and innovations to prevent losses due to poor practices; 4. Working on feasibility models in livestock production, products processing, and marketing, and assessing the expected economic return; 5. Developing entrepreneurship models through breeding stock, production units, and marketing and processing facilities; 6. Replicating the feasible entrepreneurship models already evaluated successfully; 7. Networking entrepreneurs of production and processing, and their linkages with the tourism industry for supply of hygienic foods and display of activities; 8. Consultation with stakeholders and consideration of legal and marketing issues under an Advocacy Forum

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

The registered farms, veterinary practitioners, marketing partners, and service providers will be trained in their relevant working areas. The partner organizations will be providing such training. Advanced training will be provided to scientists and middle and senior level staff at appropriate organizations abroad.Research studies will be conducted for documenting practices and identifying losses due to poor breeds, growth rates, reproduction, morbidity, and mortality due to diseases. Public health safety and environmental concerns will be considered. Synopsis of the studies will be approved by the Board of Governors and monitored by a committee.Outcomes of the research studies will be reviewed and improved practices, technologies, and innovations will be identified and introduced to prevent losses due to poor practices. Training programs and laboratory analytic facilities will be provided to the partners in this regard.Data generated through these studies will be analyzed and feasibility models will be developed in livestock production, products processing, and marketing, with special focus on expected economic returns and products quality. Prototypes of the models will be developed.The entrepreneurship models will be evaluated and supported through development of breeding stocks, production units, quality control backup, and marketing and processing facilities in the clusters. Innovations like solar powered water pumps, biogas plants, growth promoters, probiotics, etc will be introduced.The feasible entrepreneurship models, already evaluated successfully, will be replicated at larger scale and provided with forward and backward linkages.The entrepreneurs of production, processing, and marketing will be networked and linked with the tourism industry for supply of hygienic foods and display of activities. The results will be presented at the biannual series of International Workshops on Dairy Science Park and other international events.

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

The Dairy Science Park has been utilized as a platform to coordinate the activities related to academia-industry linkages. It has been, engaging the youth in productive economic activities. Medium-sized units are being networked with services providers, markets, and emerging entrepreneurs. The President Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KPCCI), Mr Zahidullah Shinwari approved the Standing Committee on Livestock for integrating various stakeholders. The Minister for Agriculture, Sardar Ikramullah Gandapur inaugurated Livestock Business Facilitation Desk at KPCCI. The Special Assistant to Chief Minister on Law, Mr Arif Yousaf supported legislative reforms to protect interest of the stakeholders during the process of industrialization. He commended acceptance of the Park by the United Nations for two sustainable goals of self-employment for the youth and hygienic food production for the people of KP and FATA. The Special Assistant to Chief Minster on Livestock, Mr Mohibullah Khan supported the plan for preparing the province for International Halal Meat Market. A collaboration on “Biorisk Management” is with process with the Sandia National Laboratories USA. A four-members delegation of the Park visited the Netherlands in March 2015 for launching the initiative and a 12-members delegation is visiting Dubai shortly to develop Pakistan Biorisk Curriculum for Universities in the Pakistan and the Region. A letter of intent was signed with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences for collaborative research on development and trade of Halal products. Focal Points have been appointed for the Park for Australia, China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Netherlands, USA and Canada. Emerging industries in milk and meat processing and marketing have been provided technical and Quality Control certification support to relieve threats from the District Administration. Several companies have been established in the private sector and 1000 unemployed veterinary graduates are being facilitated to establish entrepreneurs. The Senior Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, Mr Inayatullah Khan has allocated Rs.200 million for establishing a model slaughter house in consultation with the Park and has directed for establishment of Dairy Science Park Board to implement the idea in collaboration Peshawar Development Authority.


* Women University Mardan * Khyber Medical University, Peshawar * Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Peshawar * Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal * Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority * The University of Agriculture, Peshawar * Veterinary Research Institute, Peshawar * SDGs Task Force, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Assembly * Science Tech + Mashad * Konya Teknokent, Konya * Charles Strut University, Australia

Achievements at a glance

FAO-UN supported in preparing Livestock Action Plan 2019. We tried to provide a relief for the weaker stakeholders across the livestock value chain. An autonomous Livestock Technopark Peshawar (LTP) was suggested with full regulatory, administrative, financial and legislative powers to protect all the stakeholders of the livestock industry, and engage all relevant private and public sector organizations with shared authority and responsibility. Motivated young graduates in veterinary, engineering, medical, business and social sciences would be joining LTP for transformation of ideas into actions. Livestock Entrepreneurship Initiative/DSP2019 was launched at Quetta and Sindh Universities were supported in industrial linkages.

Challenges faced in implementation (if any)

Prof M Subhan Qureshi as Author of FAO Livestock Action Plan suggested to keep a balance in the authorities and responsibilities of various public and private sector organizations across the livestock value chain in KP province. The livestock and poultry farmers, processors, research organizations and universities were assigned their due role in the Plan, however, it was not acceptable to DG Extension Livestock KP, having dominant role in the process. So he prevented presentation of the Plan to FAO Head Pakistan. Wife of Prof Qureshi died as his salary was stopped for 7 months.

Next steps

Advanced technologies and good practices available at academic institutions will be made available to farmers and processors through Common Facilities Centers and demo models under an Endowment Fund. Potential entrepreneurs would be engaged across food value chain for demonstrating viable and sustainable models. Good practices would be introduced for farm production, products processing, renewable energy, and quality monitoring through academic and development partners. Marketing linkages will be facilitated for enhancing stakeholders’ income. Biorisk Management Trainings would be organized for stakeholders across the Food Value Chain for protecting health of workers and other associated professionals. Young men and women across the Chain would be facilitated in establishing entrepreneurship models. Sixth International Conference and Industrial Exhibition on Dairy Science Park would be held at an appropriate location. A dialogue would be initiated with private and public sector organizations for introducing Good Governance at all levels, ensuring shared responsibilities and authorities, meeting the expectations of the target audience. Farmers and producers’ associations and groups and partners from academia and development sectors would be engaged in the process for providing visible solutions to the society in the form of functioning business models and policy reforms.

Beneficaries & Actions

Who are the beneficaries?

1. Young graduates; 2. The livestock farmers; 3. Universities; 4. The government

What specific actions have been taken to positively impact beneficaries?

1. The young graduates would be facilitated in transforming their ideas into actions through establishment of entrepreneurship models; 2. The livestock farmers would be having access to good practices to reduce the productivity cost and improve products quality for getting better price; 3. Universities would be provided assess to the industry for business incubation and applied research; 4. The government would be facilitated in getting rid of repeated funding of the organizations through endowment fund.

Achievements at a glance

DSP has been introduced as a sacred mission for welfare of people of the Region through generation of self employment and hygienic/Halal food production. The Park has been registered as a Society with the Government of KP, Pakistan and accepted by the United Nations as #UNSDGAction9671. In line with the vision of the Higher Education Commission, the business incubation concepts were integrated into postgraduate research ongoing at the Faculty, shaping up the University – Industry linkages. A biennial series of international workshops was initiated and it continued during November, 2011, 2013 and 2015, each by 450+ delegates, with 100+ technical papers and industrial exhibition. The proceedings were published online/printed and in impact factor journals. The 1st workshop focused on post-flood revival of dairy industry, the 2nd on meat potential of the region and the 3rd on entrepreneurship development for the outgoing graduates. The fourth conference was held at Selcuk University Konya, Turkey Nov 1-5, 2017 with the theme, “Achieving Food Security through Entrepreneurship Development and Biorisk Management”

Karkila has been launched as a display center of Dairy Science Park Peshawar at Room #3, Floor #3, Azam Tower, Arbab Road, University Road, Peshawar-25000, Pakistan. It’s an attempt to promote farming innovations, university-industries linkages and sustainable development under UN SDG Action 9671, with the cooperation of KP Livestock Farmers Association, Higher Education Commission and United Nations, respectively. The road map will cover the following activities across the Food Value Chain: 1) Farm inputs supplies; 2) Quality control and consultancy; 3) Veterinary services; 4) Farming innovations; 5) Solar technology; 6) Biotechnological products; 7) Farm products processing; 8) Marketing linkages and export and; 9) University-industry linkages

Challenges faced in implementation (if any)

Chief Minister approved Task Force on DSP to overcome bureaucratic hurdles faced by stakeholders across livestock value chain. Academia Industries Linkages, Entrepreneurship Development, Public Private Partnership, Consumers Preferences, Quality Control for hygienic and Halal status of products and sustainability through Endowment Fund, were the main features of the Terms of Reference. There was a conflict of interests as the farmers and processors are working without any visible support from the public sector organizations. Development funds are provided to government organizations with no say of the stakeholders. Rates of milk and meat are fixed by district administration at lowest without considering the production cost or quality based grading. So secretary agriculture did not issue relevant Task Force notification. Salary of the Chief Patron, Prof M Subhan Qureshi, University of Agriculture Peshawar was stopped by the Vice Chancellor Prof Noor Pao Khan for a prolonged period of seven months leading to frustration in the family and ultimately death of wife of Prof Qureshi.

Next steps


Beneficaries & Actions

Who are the beneficaries?

Students, researchers, faculty members, NGO representatives, farmers, exporters and importers, processors from Pakistan and other countries would be facilitated in improving their capacities and removal of technical and marketing barriers in implementation of their activities. Main focus would be on supporting students startups for transformation of their academic wisdom into welfare of the people.

What specific actions have been taken to positively impact beneficaries?

Stakeholders sensitization workshop for sustainable development across livestock based food value chain

Collaborative activities with local partners for achieving the common objectives of generating decent employment and exportable surpluses

Fifth International Conference and Industrial Exhibition on Dairy Science Park at Khartoum, Sudan

Sixth International Conference and Industrial Exhibition on Dairy Science Park at Beni Suef, Egypt

Achievements at a glance

Food security, healthy lives and productive employment for the people were supported as SDGs 2, 3 and 8. Arrangements were made for DSP 2017 at Konya, Turkey. An action plan was prepared with Women University Mardan for safeguarding the health of students, biomedical professionals and consumers. The educated women would be supported for establishing entrepreneurship. Applied research was conducted with SBB University Sheringal. A workshop was held at Phuket Thailand as a follow-up of Biorisk Management collaboration between DSP and Sandia National Lab USA. Peshawar Meat Factory was established to provide much-needed hygienic meat to the local residents. Task Force on DSP was approved by Senior Minister LGRD, Government of KP.

Challenges faced in implementation (if any)

The major challenges to the DSP have been the marketing forces and service providers exploiting the producers and consumers across the livestock-based food value chain. The provincial government is maintaining about 1000 hospitals focusing on treatment of sick animals, instead of preventive medicine or animals productivity. They call for horizontal expansion to establish more units, increasting financial burden on the provincial treasury. The Endowment Fund suggested under the DSP associated with performance audit for sustainable operations, was resisted as a novel idea, although it was supported by the Additioal Chief Secretary. Establishment of a model slaughter house at Peshawar could not get materialized due to forces desiring status quo. No direct funding could be approved for the activities suggested under DSP. Change in the administration of Khyber Medical University slowed down their collaboration with DSP for BRM. The traditional farmers are provided a spoon-feeding type support by the development projects and their interest in technical support was at minimum level. Higher Education Commission of Pakistan recognized DSP as a Center of Excellance; however, the university administration showed thier least interest. The district administration is trying to maintain prices of milk and meat at a minimum, which make the competition hard for the qualty producers.

Next steps

The Fourth International Conference and Industrial Exhibition will be held on Nov 1-5, 2017 at Konya, Turkey. A platform will be provided to academicians, students, scientists, extension workers, farmers and processors and service providers to establish collaboration and linkages. Collaboration will be continued with Women University Mardan for strengthening their linkages with the sister universities, housewives, working women. Case studies would be conducted for investigating the food value chain in the region and documenting the issues faced by producers, consumers and service providers. Entrepreneurship development would be facilitated through demonstration of feasibility models already developed elsewhere. For northern Pakistan the sheep and goats resources and pasture status would be investigated in collaboration with SBB University Sheringal. Bilateral collaboration would continue on Biorisk Management with Sandia National Lab USA to develop and implement national curriculum. Entrepreneurship models would be supported through collaboration with SMEDA, and other partners. Functioning of the Task Force on DSP will be pursued with the provincial government and other sponsors would be explored. Registration of stakeholders, networking partners, quality certification, demonstration of feasibility models and mass awareness would be facilitated under the Task Force. Establishment of common facilities centers and Agri-Marts would be facilitated to fill up the gaps in the food value chain.

Beneficaries & Actions

Who are the beneficaries?

Livestock/poultry farmers; meat, milk and eggs consumers; veterinary/medical doctors, butchers, unemployed youth

What specific actions have been taken to positively impact beneficaries?

The livestock and poultry farmers were engaged in consultative workshops and were exposed to good practices for enhancing their productivities and products quality. A farmer was assisted in establishing silage plant. The farmers, students, faculty members, scientists and consumers were exposed through seminars on relevant issues like quality control and biotechnological innovations, Studies on drugs residues and emergence of drug resistant bacterias were useful in sensitizing the stakeholders. Biorisk Management was highlighted as an emerging issue and the academicians, lab scientists, government officers and legislators were trained in relevant measures. Curricula were developed for veterinary, medical, women and general students, related to BRM. Young, educated persons were motivated to establish their own model entrepreneurs. Farmers Sausage Company, Royal Dairy Company and Peshawar Meat Company were provided technical and marketing support to analyze their products for quality parameters and to access the producers and consumers for their smooth running. The young boys and girls were involved in pets management and competition through Peshawar Pets Show. Prof MS Chaudhry was facilitated in preparing the Livestock Policy for KP, on advicee of the ruling party. Main focus of the policy was to motivate the private partnership and to strengthen the develop, research and educational organization for improving their output.

Achievements at a glance

Emerging meat entrepreneurs were facilitated through QC certificates, to get appropriate prices for the better quality products, against the flat rates fixed by the district administration. The Senior Minister KP proposed a Task Force to bring innovations at farms, through renewable energy and formulate DSP Board Act, providing technical, financial, marketing and regulatory support to entrepreneurs. A 9-members delegation of DSP held the “Pakistan Biorisk Management Curriculum Workshop” with Sandia National Laboratories USA in Dubai. The concept of the University of Veterinary Innovations and Commercialization was supported by Ex-Chief Minister. DSP was accepted as Center of Excellence by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

Challenges faced in implementation (if any)

The existing laws of local government call for flat rates for milk and meat in the province; which are suitable for the low quality products; however, farmers and processors taking care of quality standards face difficulty to compete. DSP evaluated the quality standards and production/processing costs, certified the products for quality parameters and recommended special enhanced rates. It is resulting in somewhat resistance from various quarters. The bureaucratic channels prolonged our cases too much, however, DSP has found acceptance among these circles. Principles, strategic vision and an Endowment Fund have been proposed under the Task Force, quite novel to the government system. There is a lack of trust on performance and effectiveness of government departments among the business community. The very hard regulations in the government sector impede speedy development and functioning of business support organizations. However, the DSP management is providing sufficient liberty, working space and a conducive environment for productive interaction among the public and private sectors. The provincial government of KP and federal Government of Pakistan belong to political parties in opposition to each other. However, DSP has provided a common platform for interaction and both are feeling comfortable to work with each other.

Next steps

Registration of stakeholders, networking partners, quality certification, demonstration of feasibility models and mass awareness. Formation of Task Force is under process by the provincial government. A grant will be provided for a demonstrating commercialization models and prepare act for DSP Board. The Board will provide development support for the clusters of registered entrepreneurs through human resource development, applied research, quality control certification, disease diagnostic procedures and development of good practices. The Board will focus on developing the province as a Halal Meat Export Base utilizing the manpower, research and development institutions and unutilized/under-utilized public and private assets through PPP, DSP Veterinary Clinics and Marketing Centers, Agri-Marts, franchise developments, commercial companies, etc. University of Veterinary Innovations and Commercialization (UVIC) will be established. to promote industrial research, quality control, entrepreneurship development, Halal certification, and legislative support to the entrepreneurs. Logistic support will be provided to the DSP Society and DSP Board. Research priorities will comprise integration of the teaching and research with the sectoral issues, emerging challenges and needs of the stakeholders. Development of quality control and certification standards for medium-sized entrepreneurs engaged in livestock and poultry production, processing and marketing; farmers’ groups; exporters and corporate sector.

Beneficaries & Actions

Who are the beneficaries?

Model meat shops, meat factory, dairy processing unit, livestock farmers, students, faculty members, consumers

What specific actions have been taken to positively impact beneficaries?

Meat Shop, Jan Shopping Arcade, Peshawar faced administrative barriers with the allegation of higher prices. The DSP team visited his facility and inspected the quality of animals, slaughtering, processing, packaging and storage facilities. Jan Arcade had maintained quality of meat at their setup through procurement of the best and healthy animals of appropriate age, slaughtered and processed under hygienic and Islamic principles. The meat is graded as per accepted standards and has gained consumers’ confidence. DSP certified the products quality and production cost; which was accepted by the district administration. Farmers’ Sausage Company requested DSP for inspection after they were fined and banned. The DSP experts examined the facilities, provided SOPs and advised the executives on improvement. DSP certification provided administrative relief to the Facility. A silage plant was established at Mardan through USAID support. ILRI has been sponsoring Mr Nadir Khan, Dairy Science Park -PhD Scholar to work on silage production using various maize varieties under local conditions. Romer Lab Rawalpindi has provided inoculums for the experiment. Mr Kamal and another registered farmer in Peshawar have agreed to provide land for the experiment. Royal Dairies has been established as a demo model. DSP Innovations has been established to bring innovations in the existing farming system in the private sector.

Achievements at a glance

Dairy Science Park 2015 was held. Research priorities for postgraduate programs at UAP were revised to meet the emerging challenges. Quality control standards were introduced at medium sized production and processing units. New concepts were introduced in postgraduate research like maggot meal, silk worm meal, meal worm, omega-3 enriched eggs, iron and zinc enriched eggs, quality control through drug-residues, aflatoxin levels, antibiotic resistance, herbal probiotics, improvement meat quality through dietary antioxidants supplementation, stress management through antioxidants, semen, breeding through artificial insemination, introduction and evaluation of rabbits for meat production. A collaboration on “Biorisk Management” was established Sandia National Laboratories USA.

Challenges faced in implementation (if any)

The DSP has been focusing on the medium sized production and processing units to enhance profitability and introduce quality standards. These units are managed by persons with poor socio economic status and hesitate in joining development agencies like Dairy Science park unless they are provided with some material incentives. Most of the public and NGO sectors project provide such incentives. The District Government has been implementing the pricing policy focusing on maintaining lower costs, ignoring quality standards. The political leadership heading such governments are unaware of the importance of public health threats arising due to poor quality meat, milk and eggs and they are more interested in providing government jobs or materials in form of charity.

Next steps

DSP is planning to establish the Center of Excellence for Dairy Science Park through strengthening and splitting of the existing Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences into two Faculties of: i) Veterinary Sciences and: ii) Animal Production Sciences and a third; iii) Faculty of Dairy Science Park. The third Faculty will comprise of the Departments of i) Biorisk Management; ii) Products Technology and iii) Entrepreneurship and Certification. The Center is based upon the HEC Vision of Entrepreneurship and private sector led development. Applied research would be generated and translated into business models at the Campus and at registered private and public sector farms. The feasible models would be propagated under an Endowment Fund. Dairy Science Park Board will be established by the provincial government to provide regulatory, administrative, legal and financial support to the enterprises. Dairy Science, The redundant and inefficient organizations would be supported for revival.

Beneficaries & Actions

Who are the beneficaries?

Young man and women of the region; products consumers and producers.

What specific actions have been taken to positively impact beneficaries? The new entrepreneurs and emerging industries were provided technical and legal support to enhance their profitability and get certification to avoid administrative harassment. Training of farmers resulted in enhancing profitability and improving products quality. Meat processing facilities and slaughtering points got into business and are becoming models for other young investors. The young scientists were motivated to write industry related research projects for funding and many of them were successful in winning the grants. Some of the outgoing DVM graduates were exposed to internship in the industry and many of them established their own entrepreneurship

This news was originally published at sustainabledevelopment.un.org