VU did excellent by supporting other varsities to carry academic activities, Secretary MoITT

Federal Secretary, Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication, Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui on Monday lauded the role of Virtual University (VU) of Pakistan for promoting online education especially during current Covid-19 pandemic.

VU did excellent by supporting other varsities to carry academic activities, Secretary MoITT

 Federal Secretary, Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication, Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui on Monday lauded the role of Virtual University (VU) of Pakistan for promoting online education especially during current Covid-19 pandemic.

The Secretary expressed these views while chairing a meeting here, said a news release. He said corona virus could be coped with the use of information technology. Ahmad Siddiqui was apprised that the Virtual University responded positively after Higher Education Commission (HEC) approached VU for providing technological support to other universities for carrying their academic activities online.

He was apprised that the Virtual University has customized its Learning Management System (LMS) for deploying it for other universities at Free of Charge (FoC) basis for at least one semester or six months.

It was told that the VU has offered its LMS on FoC basis for six months and universities have started deploying the same system. The target of Spring 2020 admissions has achieved 100 per cent as it was completely online.

VU was continuously resolving complaints received through the Pakistan Citizen Portal and the exam centers are being upgraded according to government’s SOPs and guidelines regarding Covid-19.

The Secretary lauded VU for promoting online education and advised that the Minister for IT and Telecommunication has desired that VU reached out all universities of Pakistan for technological support regarding online education.