The average age of death from Coronavirus in Pakistan is 60 year

Of the dead, 74 per cent were over 50 years of age, while 73 per cent of those killed due to Coronavirus were already suffering from various chronic diseases, the National Command and Operations Center said.

The average age of death from Coronavirus in Pakistan is 60 year

The average age of people who died from coronavirus in Pakistan is said to be 60 years. According to the National Command and Operations Center, 74% of the dead were over 50 years of age, while 73% of those killed in Coronavirus were already suffering from various chronic diseases. Mortality rate in Pakistan

The mortality rate in Pakistan is 1.93% while globally it is 5.37%.

It may be recalled that the number of confirmed cases of the deadly virus has declined for the third day in a row across the country. If we look at the statistics of the last 3 days, it is clear that the number of cases reported daily in Pakistan is steadily declining.

According to official data, the number of newly confirmed cases reported in Pakistan on June 16 was 5,839, similarly 5,358 new cases were reported on June 17, while the number of new cases reported in the last 24 hours was 5,000. Is less than

According to the latest data, the number of newly reported cases of coronavirus virus in Pakistan yesterday was 4,944. Looking at the last few days, the number of cases reported in Pakistan on June 9 was 5,385. 5,834 people were affected on June 10, 6,397 new cases were reported on June 11, 6,472 on June 12, 6,825 on June 13, 5,248 on June 14 The number of cases was 4,443.

It should be noted that despite the decrease in new cases of coronavirus virus, 136 people have lost their lives due to coronavirus in the last 24 hours across the country, bringing the total number of deaths due to the deadly virus to 3,229. The total number of confirmed cases of coronavirus virus in the country has reached 165,062 out of which 59,711 people have recovered. According to official figures, a total of more than 1,011,000 coronavirus tests have been performed in Pakistan so far.

This news was originally published at