Solar Eclipse 2020 Date, time, duration, and visibility details

The year has already seen two penumbral lunar eclipse 2020 which occurred on January 10 and June 5. Now we are getting ready for the solar eclipse all set to occur on June 21.

Solar Eclipse 2020 Date, time, duration, and visibility details

We saw two lunar eclipses this year and now we shall be looking at the first-ever solar eclipse of 2020 on June 21. In a total solar eclipse-the Sun, moon, and the earth come in a straight line. The sun is obscured by the moon and creates a shadow on the Earth. However, this will be a partial or annular solar eclipse which means only a part of the sun will be covered.

The Annular solar eclipse is different from a total solar eclipse considering it forms a rung of fire – also called Ring of Fire. The solar eclipse will be visible in Africa and the Central African Republic, Congo, Ethiopia, Pakistan, India, and China.

This year has already seen two lunar eclipses – one of which was visible from India. The lunar eclipses occurred on January 10 and subsequently on June 5 which was a penumbral lunar eclipse.

A solar eclipse is a natural event and there are a number of precautionary measures which should be taken during a solar eclipse. The first is to not watch the solar eclipse with a naked eye and instead use eye protection or indirect viewing techniques. In a total solar eclipse, the moon totally covers the Sun and the shadow falls on Earth. In an annular solar eclipse, the Sun and Moon are in line with the Earth but the size of the moon is smaller than the sun which makes the sun appear as a bright ring which is called annulus as well.

Solar Eclipse date and time

According to a report by, the Annular Solar Eclipse will kick off at 9.15 am on June 21. The Solar Eclipse will reach its peak at 12:10 pm and will end at around 3:04 pm. The duration of the solar eclipse will be of approximately six hours.

Solar Eclipse duration and visibility

The Annular solar eclipse will be visible from India and will also be visible in Africa including the Central African Republic, Congo, Ethiopia, Pakistan, and China. The solar eclipse will last for six hours.

This news was originally published at