Introduction of E-System to uplift projects: Mahmood Khan

Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mahmood Khan has directed orders to incorporate E-System, E-Bidding, E-Billing, and E-Work into Order system for the execution of developmental projects in the Newly Merged Areas as introduced in the rest of the province.

Introduction of E-System to uplift projects: Mahmood Khan

He has further directed the authorities to give special attention to the more backward areas of NMDs while formulating an annual development program for the next financial year to bring these backward areas at par with other developed areas of the province.

He was chairing a meeting regarding formulation of an annual development program for financial year 2020-21. The meeting reviewed in detail the proposed projects of Communication, Housing and Public Health Engineering Sectors to be included in the next ADP.

The meeting also reviewed the status of fund utilization of the current ADP schemes of the aforementioned sectors.

Besides, the concerned provincial ministers and administrative secretaries, the meeting was attended by Additional Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary to CM and Secretary Planning and Development.

Talking on this occasion, the Chief Minister said that priority would be given to the completion of the ongoing developmental schemes in the upcoming ADP whereas new developmental schemes would also be included in the new ADP on need basis.

He directed the concerned quarters to take all the necessary steps to give final touches to the ADP well in time.
Meanwhile advisor to Chief Minister K.P on Information and Public Relations Ajmal Khan Wazir has said that the provincial government has reduced fares of public transportation by 18 to 25 percent after the petroleum prices were reduced recently.

The advisor informed that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Chief Minister Mahmood Khan has issued instructions that the transport authority should take all steps to implement the decision.