Pakistan is categorized as a water scarce country

Currently, Pakistan is categorized as a water scarce country because the yearly water availability is less than 1,000 cubic meters per person. The country crossed this level in 2005. If it reaches 500 cubic meters, it will become a country that is absolute scarce of water by 2025.

Pakistan is categorized as a water scarce countryThe effect of the water crisis in Pakistan is already being felt among people. 80 percent of people living in 24 major cities in Pakistan do not have access to clean water. In the slums of Karachi, 16 million do not have access to running water.

Pakistan came on 36th position among countries that are water scarce. There are several factors that have contributed to the water crisis in Pakistan, such as an increase in population in urban areas, agriculture, mismanagement of the water system and climate change. If the water crisis in Pakistan is not solved, the impact felt by people in the country will worsen.

For many people who do not have running water, they are dependent on water trucks to fill their personal and family water tanks. A water truck may come only once a week. The lack of running water is being exploited by what is called the water mafia, which is a group of people that siphon water from the government that is meant for local people and sell it to them for higher prices. Although the government has tried to crack down on water mafia groups.

Population increases in Pakistan and water demand could reach 274 million acre-feet by 2025 while the supply of water could remain at 191 million-acre-feet. Poor water management in Pakistan is causing high water waste within the agriculture sector. Pakistan has an inefficient irrigation system that causes a 60 percent water loss.

Pakistan is dependent on the rain for its water supply. Pakistan is facing an increasing demand for food while it is experiencing a reduction in the water supply.

In 2018, the Pakistan government called both national and international Pakistani to help fund a $14 billion project to build two dams. The goal of the dam is to help Pakistan store more water and to supply Pakistan with electricity.

The government needs to take certain steps to overcome the water crisis in Pakistan. The Pakistan Academy of Sciences said that the country needs to expand its water storage, reduce water waste, improve water productivity and develop a framework that will help with the management of surface and groundwater.