440 research proposals received by PSF discuss COVID-19 challenges

Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) has received 440 research proposals from scientists, technologists, engineers and technopreneurs to did original research for better understanding and addressing challenges facing due to the recent spread of COVID-19.

440 research proposals received by PSF discuss COVID-19 challengesOfficial of PSF said in a statement that these research proposals offering immediate solutions to overcome challenges associated with the prevailing health crisis will be examine by the technical committee to select the best ones.

The research proposals were invited under the Competitive Research Program (CRP) the project of PSF.

Official of PSF told that researchers from Higher education Commission (HEC) recognized public and private sector universities, public sector Research and Development organizations and industry applied under the program.

Chief Investigator was also from the HEC recognized university or public sector Research and Development organization and private industry can be on board for pilot scale/ commercial trials, production and marketing activities.

The funding would be provided under three categories including Consortium Research Grants, Triple Helix Model and Individual Researchers.

The PSF official informed that the research will focus on Indigenous Technology and Development includes Low cost Diagnostic Kits for COVID-19 and rapid point of care diagnostic. Test for detection of COVID-19 , Personal Protection Equipment including Masks, Tyvek Suits, Gloves, Goggles, Head Covers, Sanitizing Agents for individual use or mass level using indigenous raw material, ventilators for medical applications, Temperature Screening Devices and Microsystems for COVID-19.

The research will also emphasize on Epidemiology (Causes, Clinical manifestation and diagnosis, Critical aspects of viral infection, replication, pathogenesis and transmission, long-term protection against COVID-19 disease).

Official PSF added that he funding for each project would be Rs. 20 million.