
April is regarded as Autism awareness month, a month committed to the kids and families whose lives are influenced by this problem.

Autism is a development disorder. This condition is considered to cause the communication and behavioral problem inside Pakistan where the malady still can’t seem to be perceived in its actual substance. Many families have been affected by this problem. Thus the month of April is considered as the autism awareness month.

In the present situation when the whole world is in a crisis situation. The whole globe has been overshadowed and taken to its knees due to COVID-19. While in this state of urgency within our country we must not forget the families suffering from these types of disorders. The implications of this Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are to such an extent that one can’t understand. If not supported the results would be drastic.

Pakistan has recognized the desperate need for laws and procedures to help the people affected by this inability, be it physical or mental inside the ICT Rights of A Person with Disability Act.

According to the researchers, there is no known cure for Autism. It is caused by both environmental and genetic factors. Research needs to be conducted in order to find a possible cure. Their no national figures but according to the international stats it supposed that there could be more than one million children suffering from this disorder.

Unfortunately, Pakistan lacks awareness and knowledge of Autism. We as a society must play a role in this regard. The Pakistan Pediatric Association (PPA) have it upon themselves to bring issues to light with respect to ASD and simultaneously impact policymakers for the foundation of early mediation places, at any rate at each divisional level. Inside Pakistan schools that teach students with such disabilities are very few. Thus the education department must need to put a mechanism in place for the teaching of special students with all possible facilities.

By Ahsan Ali

A young motivated person, interested in research and bioenterpreneurship in Pakistan.