CAS academician introduces fluid mechanics

Li Jiachun, academician of the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), introduced the fundamental concepts and brief history of fluid mechanics to teenagers from junior high schools in Beijing on Thursday. 

CAS academician introduces fluid mechanicsWith the theme of “Fluid mechanics, Aeronautics and Astronautics”, the lecture covered both theoretical knowledge and advanced experimental equipment and testing techniques, such as the TH-2 supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer and wind tunnel testing. 

Li also shared with his young audience the remarkable progress the People’s Republic of China had made in space technology since its founding in 1949, highlighting the role pioneering scientists, notably Qian Xuesen, in advancing the country’s aeronautics and astronautics endeavors. 

In regard to environmental protection and technology advancement, he analyzed the pros and cons of hydroelectricity, and pointed out the promising future of wind energy. 

The lecture concluded with Li putting forward a recommended reading list for his audience. This included academic journals of mechanics as well as non-fiction books such as the environmental classic Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. 

The lecture aimed to spark teenagers’ interest in space technology, and encourage them to consider it as their future career path. It was held by the China Soong Ching Ling Science and Culture Center for Young People.