Pak-Qatar Takaful recently held a kickoff ceremony at their head office for the implementation for Oracle Enterprise planning and budgeting cloud services with the team of Oracle Systems Pakistan Pvt. Ltd. and Integration Xperts Pvt. Ltd. in Karachi.

The event was attended by Muhammad Nasir Ali Syed, CEO PQFTL, Muhammad Kamran Saleem, Company Secretary & CFO, Umair Azam, Founder & Managing Partner Integration Xperts, Wajahat Jawaid Bukhari, Sales Manager Oracle Systems Pakistan along with other senior officials from the organizations.
Pak-Qatar Takaful Group (PQTG) – the first and largest dedicated Takaful enterprise in Pakistan’s Islamic Finance industry, comprises of Shari’ah-Compliant ventures like; Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Ltd.
(PQFTL), Pak-Qatar General Takaful Ltd. (PQGTL) and Pak-Qatar Investment (Private) Limited Ltd. (PQIL). These ventures are driven by modern technology and a service-culture, to achieve the fastest growth and high-credibility, by providing innovative Takaful solutions since 2007.
The Group-Companies are registered with the ‘Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan’ (SECP), while all its products and operations are certified by an independent Shari’ah Advisory Board, chaired by Mufti Muhammad Hassaan Kaleem.
PQFTL is rated “A+” (with Stable Outlook) by JCR-VIS Credit Rating Co. Ltd. and Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (PACRA) while PQGTL is rated “A” (Single A) with Stable Outlook by PACRA and ‘A-’ (Single A Minus) with ‘Stable’ Outlook by the JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited.