Food security - a burning issue

Food is the basic need of man as such food security is vital for its independence and honorable living among the community of the nation in the world.

Food security - a burning issueA Hungary nation what to speak of honor and regard cannot eve maintain its independence. For achieving the primary goal of stability of a political government. It is very essential to realize the importance of food security in this country.

FAO has defined food security as “access by all people at all time to the food needed for an active and healthy life”. If reflex the aspiration to reduce hunger and malnutrition. Food security is equally important national as well as global level.

According to world to summit deceleration 1996 more than 800 million people mainly in the developing country don’t have enough to meet their basic nutritional need.

What is food security?

Food security exists when all people when all time have physical and economical access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary need and food preference for an active and healthy life.

A food security as a concept originate only in mid 1970 in argument of international food problems at a time of global food crisis.

Components of food security:

Food security can be broadly divided into three main components namely:

  • Food availability.
  • Excess to food.
  • Food distribution.
  • Food utilization.

Food Availability:

It is achieved when satisfactory quantity is every time available to all individual source of such food supply could be household on production other household input profitable imports and food assistance.

Excess to food:

It is make sure when a house hold and all member of house hold have enough resources to purchase food meeting the nutritional and dietary need of household. Primarily the functions of the house hold income it’s allotment within the house hold and price of food, besides the physical feature.

Food utilization:

Food availability and economic access to food alone can’t make sure food security as proper food assimilation is equally important. Food security is also depend on the knowledge with in house hold of food storage and processing technique. Basic principle of nutrition proper child care and infirmity administration.

Food distribution:

While there are enough resource in the world to provide food security for all policy and social change are essential to guarantee the fair share for all people particularly for poor. Equity is the major issue disquiet related to food security

Policy recommendation to improve food security in Pakistan:

Govt of Pakistan needs to focus on poor and complete growth policy with the clear objectives and addressing the issue of hunger and deficiency and undernourishment.

To end hunger , poverty and malnutrition.Much can be learned from Brazil where poverty   income, analysis, unfairness, hunger and malnutrition decreased expansively as a result of that country clearly stated political assurance.

It is crucial to have a truly diplomat local level govt system.This will ensure the inclusion of input from all stakeholders in the process of the formulation of food security.

Authors: Dr. Mubashar Nadeem,Muhammad Adnan,  Akash Munawar, Mubashir Hussain, Sanaullah Khan and Hassan Noorani

Department of agronomy, college of agriculture, university of Sargodha

By Muhammad Adnan

I am professionally qualified as agronomist and studying MSc. (Hons.) agronomy at College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan and focusing on plant nutrition and weed management. I Completed my B.Sc. (Hons.) in agriculture in 2018 from University of Sargodha.