Nutritional value of Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica)

The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) is a species of flowering plant in the family Rosaceae, a native to the cooler hill regions of China to south-central China.

Nutritional value of Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica)

  • Nutritional Importance of Loquat

Succulent, tangy yet sweet, wonderfully delicious loquat fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.

Delicious, loquats carry lower calories; provide just 47 calories per 100 g. Nonetheless, they are rich in insoluble dietary fiber, pectin. Pectin holds back moisture inside the colon, and thus functions as bulk laxative.

This way, it helps protect the colon mucosa by cutting exposure time of toxic substances as well as binding to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon.

Pectin has also been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels by lowering its re-absorption in the colon through binding bile acids, resulting in its excretion from the body.

Loquat fruit is an excellent source of vitamin-A (provides about 1528 IU or 51% of daily recommended levels of this vitamin per 100g), and phenolic flavonoid antioxidants.

Such as chlorogenic acid, neo-chlorogenic acid, hydroxybenzoic acid, feruloyl quinic acid, protocatechuic acid, epicatechin, coumaric acids and ferulic acid. Ripe fruits have more chlorogenic acid concentrations.

Vitamin-A helps maintain the integrity of mucosa and skin. Lab studies suggest that consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin-A, and flavonoids may offer protection from lung and oral cavity cancers.

Fresh fruit is good in potassium and some B-complex vitamins such as folates, vitamin B-6 and niacin and contain small amounts of vitamin-C. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps to regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

Furthermore, the fruit is also an excellent source of iron, copper, calcium, manganese, and other minerals. The body uses manganese as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

Copper is essential in the production of red blood cells. Iron is required for as a co-factor in cellular oxidation as well in red blood cell formation.

Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 47 Kcal 2.4%
Protein 0.43 g 2%
Total Fat 0.20 g 1%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 1.70 g 4%
Carbohydrates 12.14 g 9%

  • Are loquats poisonous

Like most related plants, the seeds (pips) and young leaves of the plant are slightly poisonous, containing small amounts of cyanogenic glycosides (including amygdalin) which release cyanide when digested, though the low concentration and bitter flavor normally prevent enough being eaten to cause harm.

  • What is loquat good for

Loquat fruit is consumed by various cultures for culinary and healing purposes.The leaves and fruit have high concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. The fruit is sometimes used as a sedative and is thought to reduce vomiting and excessive thirst.

  • Benefits of louqat tea

Loquat leaf tea comes with a slew of potential health benefits, from soothing gastrointestinal ailments to serving as an expectorant for coughs and congestion. Some studies have even linked a compound in loquat leaves with increasing insulin production and combating type 2 diabetes.

  • Safety profile

The loquat fruit seeds contain many toxic alkaloids like cyanogen-glycosides which when consumed can cause serious, life-threatening symptoms like vomiting, breathlessness, and death. Therefore, children may advise avoiding chewing seeds and adults should supervise them while eating.

By Tooba Suhail

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