First international blockchain ‘Bloxberg’ for science

Securing scientific information online and worldwide with no risk of manipulation is now possible, thanks to the decentralized blockchain infrastructure Bloxberg.

First international blockchain ‘Bloxberg’ for scienceThe Bloxberg consortium was initiated at the beginning of 2019 under the leadership of the Max Planck Digital Library and consists of 11 leading research facilities from 10 countries.

The scientists in the founding consortium agree that Bloxberg will change the way scientific data and results are managed and communicated in future.

With Bloxberg, the consortium has developed an online system with no classic client-server architecture. Instead, the system uses decentralised electronic accounting, specifically blockchain technology.

There are more than enough concrete applications and demands for a safe, transparent online system based on blockchains in science:

To verify the authenticity of data, to guarantee protection of intellectual property rights, and to facilitate the exchange of valuable research results, peer reviewing, the publication of papers, and much more.

“We repeatedly hear from our researchers that they would like to have a time stamp or a way to certify their research data, hypotheses and methods particularly before they are published,” says Sandra Vengadasalam from Digital Labs.