Bluff of Cloud Computing for business

Cloud computing is the best thing for small business since the invention of the stapler. But that doesn’t mean that there are no cloud computing disadvantages and that every small business should immediately throw out all their servers and desktop software and conduct all their business operations in the cloud.

Bluff of Cloud Computing for business

Performance-intensive applications such as video editing are not suited to the cloud, nor are other types of software that require high-performance desktop computers.

Small business owners have different needs and different comfort levels. It may be more advantageous for you to use cloud computing only for certain applications. Or even not at all.

Before you throw caution to the winds and leap wholeheartedly into the cloud, consider how these disadvantages of cloud computing could affect your small business.

  • Possible Downtime

Cloud computing makes your small business dependent on the reliability of your Internet connection. When it’s offline, you’re offline. If your internet service suffers from frequent outages or slow speeds, cloud computing may not be suitable for your business.

  • Security Issues

How safe is your data? Cloud computing means Internet computing. So you should not be using cloud computing applications that involve using or storing data that you are not comfortable having on the internet.

  • Cost

At first glance, a cloud computing application may appear to be a lot cheaper than a particular software solution installed and run in-house.

  • Inflexibility

The inflexibility of some cloud apps can be another serious disadvantage of cloud computing. Be careful when you’re choosing a cloud computing vendor.

  •  Customer Support

Poor customer service was a constant complaint from users. Fortunately, most vendors have made great strides in improving technical support over the past few years, but better service comes at a price.