5G base station launched in NE China city

Telecom giant China Mobile has launched a 5G base station in the city of Hunchun, northeast China’s Jilin Province.

5G base station launched in NE China city

The station, located in the resort of Fangchuan, is the first 5G base station in the city, as well as the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, which governs Hunchun.

A panorama image captured by the camera on the base station was sent real-time to the press conference held Wednesday in Yanji, the capital city of Yanbian.

Phones and laptops at the conference were able to access the 5G network via the wireless router.

All the current 4G base stations in Hunchun will be upgraded to 5G, and residents in the city will be able to use 5G phones during the second half of this year, according to the China Mobile Yanbian branch.