Instagram soar 'Pause All' notifications option

Facebook really thinks more users should be checking out Facebook Stories. They’re the future of social sharing, according to Facebook execs, the evolution of the news feed pages. 

Facebook Business Pages added to stories archive

Given this, Facebook knows that more people are likely to be interested in the more immersive, immediate sharing option – it just has to get them across.

Adding to this, Facebook has also added a new Stories Archive option for Facebook business Pages, which, along with the noted panel highlighting Page stories specifically, adds to the potential appeal of Stories for businesses.

With various reports noting that Facebook usage is in decline, Stories could, potentially, be a way for the platform to move on from the News Feed, to tap into rising usage trends and re-align the platform around the more engaging option.

Facebook is still yet to fully figure out Stories monetization, it still needs to work out how it can replicate the success of the News Feed as an ad delivery tool. But it very clearly sees Stories as the future.

Whether Facebook’s 2.3 billion users agree is another matter, but certainly the platform’s doing all it can to convince them to give Stories a shot.

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