PCRWR ‘Water Conservation Bill’ defer for approval

Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) drafted the first “Water Conservation Bill” and submitted it to the pertinent ministry though its approval was postponed in absence of the Minister of Science and Technology.

PCRWR ‘Water Conservation Bill’ defer for approval

The draft of the bill was geared up in conference with all the stakeholders at federal and provincial level and will optimistically serve as catalyst to the cause of water conservation in the country which is direly needed at this time.

The Water Conservation Bill would be affirmed as an economic good and public property or asset and water conservation would be essential part of school and college curricula. Water recycling and reuse would be encouraged and promoted.

The draft concerning the domestic water those admissible minimum and maximum limits of domestic supplies would be determined and declared.

Domestic water would be metered and priced and supplies would be based on per capita requirement and number of residents, usage above admissible supplies would be priced on higher rate.

Sowing of high delta crops would in general be discouraged and flood and  irrigation would be steadily reduced and abandoned by 2030.

Water conservation equipment and infrastructure for irrigation would be subsidized and installation of tube-well would be licensed and heir size determined based on command area.

The Industrial procedure of water, the report recommends that industrial water usage will be audited and industries would be asked to put forward wafer conservator plan for five years.

Discarding of metropolitan and industrial waste water into natural water bodies would be gradually reduced and halved by 2030, the water conservation bill stated.