World Science day - an opportunity to understand the significance of science

Basically, science is the study of knowledge about behavior of natural and physical world which we prove through experiments and observation. One can say, it is an information or knowledge of the universe that is acquired by struggle, experiment, observation, discovery and research.

World Science day - an opportunity to understand the significance of science

Science carries paramount importance in all walks of life. It proves facts about the globe with research, observation, work done and provides us with valuable information in turn. Undoubtedly, it is the science that has disclosed the mysteries of the world. It is the science that has made of our lives easier, safer and comfortable than before. Of course, it is the science by which the world has entered modern, innovative, scientific, robotic and fast growing age.

World Science day

In this regard, November 10 is observed every year as an international day of science all over the world. The day aims to highlight the significance and role of science in our societies. In fact, the celebration of the ‘World Science Day’ is meant to disseminate scientific awareness and information among masses.

Keeping in view this day was officially declared to celebrate as science day in 2001 and then marked first in 2002 by United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) with an aim to link science and society for peace and development. Furthermore, UNESCO proclaimed this science day to engage individuals, institutions, media, society and government in scientific activities for fostering durable peace and sustainable societies.

Undeniably, world science day provides people with an excellent opportunity to better understand the essence of science. Besides, it encourages masses to actively participate in scientific programs to discover and develop.

It is pertinent to mention here that this year too on 10th November science day has been celebrated with the theme of “Science, a human a right” globally. It was set on the basis of some core aims and objectives.

Science day objectives

(a) Strengthening public awareness on the role of science for peaceful and sustainable societies.
(b) Promoting national and international solidity for shared science countries.
(c) Renewing national and international commitment for the use of science for the benefit of societies.
(d) Drawing attention to the challenges faced by science and raising support for the scientific endeavors.

Thus, UNESCO urged everyone to exercise human right and take active part in ‘World science day for peace and development (WSDPD) 2018” to seize greater benefits. Audrey Azoulay (Director General of UNESCO) regarding the WSDPD 2018 stated that “Together, we should strive for greater access to science education – particularly for girls – as well as support open science and innovative ways for advancing research.”

No doubt, World Science Day celebration offers multiple potential benefits for promoting and spreading science education and awareness. Hence, Pakistan must launch science awareness campaigns every year on 10 November to make people scientifically aware.

We all must actively participate in science related activities and programs on world science day. Pakistan cannot be modernized, globalized, industrialized and developed without advancing science and technology. Thus, Pakistan should work on the promotion of scientific education so that country can move forward with the help of science and technology.

The writer is freelance columnist, an undergraduate student of Economics at University of Sindh, Jamshoro and aspirant to CSS, based in Dadu, Sindh. He can be reached at

By Assad Ali Lund

Freelance columnist, student of economics at University of Sindh, Jamshoro and CSS aspirant.

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