International Mountains Day 2018 “Mountains Matter”

The Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, known as ‘water tower of Asia’, is the source of 10 major river systems and provide vital ecosystem goods and services to more than 1.4 billion people.

International Mountains Day 2018 “Mountains Matter”

Keeping in view the importance of mountains for human survival, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) celebrated International Mountains Day (IMD) 2018 in collaboration with the Arid Agriculture University (AAU), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) Pakistan, Market Development Facility (MDF) and Technology Times.

The program aimed to raise awareness about mountain ecosystem and its importance for sustainable development. The event was attended by officials from the government, non-government organizations and students.

Dr. Sarwat Naz Mirza, Vice Chancellor, AAU and Ms. Rosana Frittini, Senior Partnerships Officer, FAO attended the event as guests of honor. The celebration activities included presentations, panel discussion and student’s tableau.

Experts from Prime Minister Secretariat, AAU, IUCN, LEAD Pakistan, ICIMOD HQ, and Technology Times identified challenges and innovative sustainable opportunities to bring benefits to both highland and lowland communities and also eradicate poverty without degrading the fragile mountain ecosystems.  

Dr. Abdul Wahid Jasra, Country Representative, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) shared the message of Dr. David Molden, Director General, ICIMOD and extended his gratitude to all the participants who made the event successful with their presence.

Students of Environmental Sciences Department, performed the tableau on theme of International Mountain Day IMD 2018.  The program ended by souvenir distribution among the partners of the event.