Pakistan-US joint efforts ‘Soil Fertility Atlas’ released for Balochistan

Pakistan-US collaborating to fortify agricultural sector and rural farming community of Pakistan. Therefore, a Soil Fertility Atlas has been released for Baluchistan under the combined efforts by Pakistan’s food ministry; the UN and the USAID to assist the farmers improve economic opportunities through the use of modern technology.

Pakistan-US joint efforts ‘Soil Fertility Atlas’ released for Balochistan

The soil fertility atlas provides a complete description of soil types and their current fertility status, indigenous best management practices, and fertilizer use trends to prop up farmers and fertilizer producers understand best soil management practices for enlarged crop productivity.

FAO representative in Pakistan Minà Dowlatchahi said: The Atlas is an important addition to the series of Soil Fertility Atlases which will be active in addressing the deficient data in running soil fertility in Pakistan.

Soil maps based on agro-ecological zones have been made part of the Baluchistan atlas. There is a need for raising awareness and increasing knowledge of farmers in addition to engaging with public and private sector to make sure sustainable agriculture development in Pakistan.

USAID Deputy Mission Director Clay Epperson stated, “Going forward, the success of Pakistan’s agricultural sector will depend on the health and quality of Pakistan’s soils. Just as the soil gives to us, we must give to the soil.”

USDA’s Agricultural Counselor Casey Bean from the US Embassy Pakistan congratulated the partners working on this project, highlighting that “the project will promote the 4Rs of nutrient management, the right nutrient in the right amount at the right time with the right placement.”

This event Soil Fertility Atlas manifest the conclusion of the Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Intensification project with soil atlases published in Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan provinces and a publication date of December 21 for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Joint efforts to improve soil fertility would enhance the productivity of a farming sector that utilizes the latest technology tools to yield better in the future.