PM Forms Task Force on Technology-Driven Knowledge Economy

Prime Minister Imran Khan has agreed to form a task force on Technology-Driven Knowledge Economy. For monitoring and evaluating the national priorities continuously the task force is constituted.

PM Forms Task Force on Technology-Driven Knowledge Economy

Technology-Driven Knowledge Economy Task Force would carry out the prudence work out at regular breaks. The other objective of forming the task force is to place the strategies and respective action plans, with properly described timelines for building a powerful knowledge economy.

The Technology-Driven Task Force committee would include the leading engineers or scientists, the representatives from the private sector, provincial and federal governments.

Dr Rehman explained briefly regarding the progress on the construction of Pakistan Austrian Fachhochschule Haripur. He also indicated regarding the development into the establishment of the Centre of Excellence with the assistance of China in Mineral Resources Engineering, Agriculture Food Technologies and Railway Engineering.

Formation of scholarly potential of the nation, the development of the human capital and industrialization, enhancement of value-added production besides quality management for the optimization of productivity are among the uppermost preferences of the government.

All these priorities would demonstrate to be of great budding for the country. He added that there is massive potential in the youth of the country for advancing Pakistan’s contributions in medium and high technologies.