27 Officers and Scientists have been promoted to grade 20 and 21

27 officers and scientists of Pakistan Agricultural Research Council have been promoted to grade 20 and 21 according to the recommendations of Selection Board.

27 Officers and Scientists have been promoted to grade 20 and 21

This selection board was awaited for four years and reached to completion in November 2018. This occasion happened because of endless efforts of Sahibzada Muhammad Mehboob Sultan, Federal Minister for NFS&R, Dr. Hashim Popalzai, Federal Secretary MNFS&R and Dr. Yusuf Zafar, T.I, Chairman PARC.

Federal Minister said at the occasion that, through promoting the right and competent person resulting the valuable increase in the efficiency of any department / organization. He said I hope that newly promoted officers will whole heartedly focus on their duties and play a role not only in the development of agriculture sector but also the development of country as well.

Dr. Hashim Popalzai, Federal Secretary said that Government of Pakistan is taking serious steps toward development of the agriculture sector. This promotion chain is also a part of it because promotion to next scale encourages the one’s efforts level and zest towards his duties. 

Dr. Yusuf Zafar, T.I, Chairman PARC, said that it is really very positive effort from Government to uplift the moral of officers and due to the promotion officers will perform more well and with more passion to improve their abilities and to develop the agriculture sector of Pakistan.