In 2017 Telenor is most searched internet telecom company as per Google Trends data. Whereas public sector telecom company Ufone is on second most searched company followed by Zong and Jazz.

It is pertinent to mention that Ufone is the only company among four operating companies in Pakistan that doesn’t offer 4G services to customers and this might be possible reason for standing second among four internet telecom companies.



In 2017 these four companies are more focused on customer orientation than ever before. Telenor started consumer-focused campaigns like “Jo Har Pakistani Chahay”, Jazz held Facebook live sessions with its users.

READ MORE: JAZZ – Dunya ko Bataa Do !

As detailed analysis of Google Trends data that different provinces and sub-regions of Pakistan are searching for telecom companies.

Region jazz: (2017) Telenor: (2017) Ufone: (2017) Zong: (2017)
Islamabad Capital Territory 19 100 52 53
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 10 92 60 44
Azad Kashmir 16 91 31 19
Punjab 26 78 61 50
Balochistan 11 52 66 40
Sindh 15 66 60 44
Federally Administered Tribal Areas <1 <1 53 <1
Gilgit-Baltistan <1 27 11 24