STAFF REPORT ISB: In connection to recent announcement by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) on barring DECT Cordless phones; PTA has started to strap the vendors dealing in those products by conducting raids in markets.

According to the sources, PTA raided eight different markets in Rawalpindi-Islamabad and confiscated cordless DECT phones in huge quantities while imposing fine on the sellers. The masses were also made aware through SMS from PTA to stop usage of DECT Cordless phones.

The PTA official said while commenting on the said activity, “The Cordless DECT phones are high frequency devices and cause noise and interference in communication and deter the signals due to overlapping of carrier waves. PTA had received many complaints from telecom service providers and the consumers on this issue and upon deep examination the decision was made for larger benefit”.

Dr. Syed Ismail Shah, Chairman PTA said while talking to media, “PTA has been doing serious efforts to stop nefarious elements that halt the telecom industry like grey traffickers. This recent barring of DECT Cordless phone is also an event of same series of ensuring transparency and improved telecom services to give consumers reliable telecommunication experience”.

“These steps are also important to regain trust of telcos and attract more investment in telecom and ICT sector”, he added.

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