Staff Report KHI: A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was recently signed by International Union for Conservation of Nature, Pakistan (IUCN-Pak) and Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) in order to take up the challenge of sustainable development in Pakistan by instigating collaborative efforts.

Mahmood Akhtar Cheema, Country Representative IUCN-Pak and Muhammad Adrees, President FPCCI signed the MoU in presence of several other dignitaries.

The objectives of the MoU are to establish cooperation between IUCN-Pak and FPCCI in order to take joint initiatives for sustainable development and environment in Pakistan. The identification of challenges and opportunities will be examined by both organizations and areas of common interest will be taken to board and joint endeavors will abet to achieve set goals of environment and sustainable development.

Mahmood Akhtar Cheema while speaking on the occasion said that the MoU had provided an opportunity to both organizations to expand their horizon and work in close coordination with each other to cope with challenges pertaining to environment and sustainable development in Pakistan.

He further added, “IUCN has an advisory role in environmental conventions such as theConvention on Biological Diversity,Framework Convention on Climate Change etc. and it has been phenomenal in shaping the national and provincial conservation strategies for Pakistan.” He further said that IUCN was already involved with private sector as well in aiding them to align their business pattern in accordance with the environment conservation strategies.

Muhammad Adrees appreciated that IUCN had step forward and offered to work jointly with FPCCI towards the cause of sustainable development. He further said that FPCCI and IUCN would pursue environment as a concern which can affect lives and conservation of nature should be seen as a priority.

The MoU is of indispensable importance as it has brought two apex organizations closer which will trigger them to jointly contribute in order to combat with environmental challenges and drive for sustainable development.

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