MONITORING REPORT ISB: Paladion Networks has highlighted the top 10 cyber security trends that will impact global digital security in 2015 and beyond. These trends can have a long-term impact on the enterprises in Middle East.

“After rigorous analysing the ever-increasing data flow regionally and globally, we have identified the top 10 cyber security trends that the enterprises in the Middle East needs to be cautious and should not ignore them in their strategic planning processes,” said, Amit Roy, VP and Regional Sales Head-ME and Africa at Paladion Networks in Dubai. He said that organisations in the region need to follow these trends closely to ensure protection against the rising tide of cyber threats, which has high potential for disrupt their business.

These top 10 cyber security trends include: Focus on Regulatory and Compliance Requirements, Automation of Security GRC Will Surge, Focus on an Holistic Program-Based Foundation for Greater Security, Promoting Risk-Based Security Behaviour in Organizations, Not Just Awareness, Automated Detection and Alerting, Automated Incident Response, Proactively Managing Security, No Single Silver Bullet for All, Securing Embedded Platforms and Mobile Malware is on the Rise.

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