STAFF REPORT ISB: More and more people particularly youth should be encouraged to adopt the agriculture field and give the farmers their due and right profit. Progress and prosperity cannot be achieved unless we make agriculture profitable. Agricultural scientists, policy makers and NGO activists work hard for the development of rural community through introducing of new agricultural practices and innovations.

PARC Chairman Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad said this while addressing at a two-day national conference on “Building Communities – Cultivating Peace” recently held in Islamabad.

The event was organized by Lok Sanjh Foundation to highlight the issues like sustainable agriculture and food security in changing climate, national agriculture and food policy: implications for food security and business, and poverty, food security and livelihood patterns in rural Pakistan.

Dr. Iftikhar urged for adoption of the Brazilian model of agriculture development to promote agriculture sector with special focus on small farmers.

He said there is need of coordinated efforts at federal, provincial and district levels to introduce farmers friendly policies.

He also urged the need to bring a revolution in rural and far flung areas by utilizing new method of agricultural practices.

On this occasion, Dr. Shahid Zia, Dr. Farzana Shahid, Abdul Haleem Asghar, Lok Sanjh Foundation, Dr. Muhammad Mohsin Iqbal and other speakers also addressed the participants.

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