STAFF REPORT KHI: The Pakistan Standards Quality Control Authority is keen to support activities, promoting quality standards in Pakistan; therefore, it has been continuing participating and supporting Quality Standard Award activity since its establishment in 2010 to promote quality standard culture in Pakistan.

Pir Bakhsh Jamali, Director General, PSQCA, said this in his message read out at the recently held 4th Quality Standard Award 2013 and the Seminar on Theme of 44th World Standards Day “International Standards Ensure Positive Change”. The event was organized jointly organized by TCEP and PSQCA.

Quality standard award is a tribute to honour businessmen and industries of our country, Award is strengthening relationship of trust among consumer products and service providers.

He further stated that PSQCA has been established to advise the government on standardization policies, programmes and activities to promote industrial efficiency and development, as well as for consumer protection in the country.

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