Though with the fast rising population growth rate in Pakistan, the prevalent conventional farming is considered a viable option in order to meet the national food requirements, yet it too casts a lot of negative effects not only on the human and animal health but also life of the soil. Since the traditional methods of farming involve usage of high doses of fertilizers and chemicals to have particularly off-season crops and enhance per acre yields, this gravely disrupts the natural cropping mechanism. Ultimately, the produce, which is full of chemicals and pesticides, gets very short shelf life. This unhealthy farming trend has, of court, created room for the organic farming, which is a technique used in farming without the use of any chemicals or synthetics. Through this option, farmers can produce crops which have the highest nutritional values with least impact on nature. Crop rotation, green manure, use of natural fertilizers and biological pest control form the crux of organic farming. Repeated experiments prove that this strategy enhances the fertility of the soil, prevents soil erosion and at the same time protects the humans and animal kingdom from the side-effects of chemicals and synthetics. Many of the farm products, like, vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, milk, eggs, etc. are produced organically by some farmers. Through this kind of farming, life of the soil can be ensured not only for the current generation, but also for the future generations. A French study reveals that the nutritional quality and micro-nutrients are present in higher quantities in organically produced crops. The micro-nutrients promote good health. Organically grown food tastes better too. The overall cost of cultivating the crops reduces as the farmers use green manure or worm farming to replenish the lost nutrients of the soil. While chemical fertilizers cause the plant to ripen fast. When the crop does not get water it withers and dies, which is not the case with organic crops. The government needs to promote and encourage organic farming in the country in the wake of rising ratio of human as well as animal diseases in addition to declining quality of agriculture lands. However, in order to increase the food quantities, policies should be made to convert more lands cultivable. At the same time, the authorities should devise an effective campaign to create awareness among the farmers as well as stakeholders so that transitional phase from conventional to organic farming gets started.

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