STAFF REPORT IBD: The NUST Science Society (NSS) has recently organized an SAP (Structural Analysis Programme) Training Workshop at the School of Chemical and Materials Engineering (SCME), NUST H-12. The two-day workshop had invited students from all over NUST.

The event was coordinated by NSS Executive Danish Pirzada and the resource person was Engineer Mohammad Bilal, a Civil Engineer who brought a diverse experience in construction, measurement engineering, quality analysis and site engineering from various multi nationals.

The main focus of the workshop was to introduce students to SAP 2000, a programme which is a popular tool today, serving architects, civil, mechanical and design engineers by testing the strength and durability of the structures that they conceive.

Virtual models of the structure were constructed in the programme and then virtual earthquakes, tidal waves, high winds, etc. were generated to test whether the structure could stand against them or fall over.

The workshop proved to be a popular event as a large number of students turned up to the venue. In the light of the high demand many students requested another such workshop to be held soon. The two-day programme was sealed with a certificate distribution ceremony for participants and a shield was presented to the trainer.

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