Research-University-2STAFF REPORT IBD: The research in universities needs to focus on the issues and problems of direct relevance to the socio-economic development of the country.
This was stated by Higher Education Commission (HEC) Chairman Dr. Javaid R. Laghari while interacting with the newly-appointed vice chancellors at the inauguration ceremony of Two Days Follow-up Workshop for the Development of Governance and Strategic Planning Framework for HEIs of Pakistan.
“Research at university level needs to address community problems and building the economy by pioneering the commercialisation of innovative ideas, products, and processes resulting from research work,” said HEC Chairman Dr. Javaid R. Laghari while interacting with the newly-appointed Vice Chancellors at a two-day workshop for the Development of Governance and Strategic Planning Framework for HEIs of Pakistan.
Citing the findings of recent survey of 400 presidents of American universities, he said that university graduates should be equipped with good communication, analytical and research skills.
He stressed upon the vice chancellors that no compromise should be made on quality teaching and best/qualified faculty should be hired through transparent and merit based mechanism.
In his remarks, HEC Executive Director Prof Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed said that the Commission in collaboration with its stakeholders would continue to contribute for the socio-economic development of the country.

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