EVER SINCE the mankind has been descended on earth, the profession of medical related activities is valued more than any other profession may it be agriculture, engineer, technician, driver, bureaucrat etc. We are seeing doctors going on strike for more wages, we have seen doctors playing with the lives of the patients, we observe their moral values depreciating for earning more money which is going to make them more of a capitalist ignoring ethical perspectives etc. Its all going on due to new technology which is very expensive and due to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) being implemented in favour of the corporate to earn more rather than making it open source for all to make and sell at cheaper rate.

Often, we observed the doctors not checking the patients in government hospitals and paying more attention to patients in their private clinics just like the school teachers practices. It is degree of affiliation as well as fear of being sued which is said to be more in private clinics rather than in a government hospital.

Coming across a medical professional which happens to be an expert in a government hospital dealing with pregnancy cases revealed that despite no abortion law there are cases of abortion which are being assisted by the doctors. Moreover, often doctors dealing the cases of delivery prescribe operation rather than normal delivery to make up more money as normal delivery costs more than a couple of thousands as compared to operation which costs tens of thousands for the doctor to operate. Often, doctors intentionally disturb the position of the pre-born baby in the womb to ensure that the delivery would be done via surgical operation rather than normal delivery. Often, this is due to the lack of confidence in the mother due to lack of information that she may die while giving birth to baby. Mothers due to fears originated by media advertisements often opt for the surgery rather than normal delivery.

A program on a renowned TV channel highlighted this issue of making more money by using operation for delivery. Several local delivery women called “Daees” were interviewed with the result of no abnormal cases even though the position of the baby wasnt normal in the womb. Also, no death was reported by them. Rather, they suggest the mothers and their relatives to give healthy diet with many indigenous food materials all organic in nature to keep the mom healthy for the delivery process to go smoothly.

While going through these issues the personal experience is that the cost went so high that the bill was of Rs. 250,000 due to incubation cost and other charges for mother to remain in the hospital. But the Daees reported that they usually do it for free but gifts are given and various other remunerations. Though there are those who charge 1 to 2 thousands with gifts and other things.

All these incidents do raise queries in the mind that what we are left with is capitalism. Technology has given us leaders leading using technology of information systems as well as doctors who have to achieve breakeven sooner for their premium tech being purchased at premium prices with heavy taxes on imports. Huge revenue flows out of the country but its all due to the media which needs to earn via ads in collaboration with the governments who make policy to support those who pay for their campaign for elections. We see how Obama manipulated his health bill reforms only because of the pressures from the medical companies which are suppose to sell it for free for humanitys sake.

Issue of capitalism in health sector was raised in a software programming related article for medical machines. Often coding costs millions of dollars of a simple machine used in modern era medical practices but due to IRP its not being rendered cheaply by coding companies rather huge cost is involved in selling their code to others. Open source was being highlighted to overcome the burgeoning costs of medical equipment which is after all for curing, saving and serving the humanity truly but due to the concerns of capitalist to earn more for the sake of aesthetics to be satisfied and luxuries purchased, the true ethics are compromised.

The issues were also raised in a technology foresight for health sector which also revealed that some of the corporations were trying to declare the Chestnut fruit as a medicine for its excellent benefits in health and medicine issues. Also, renowned doctor from medical field disclosed that curing via food is the best solution but only thing is the abstention from food which in that disease is harmful. It is universally believed that “The Prevention if Better Than Cure”.

A foresight action planner revealed that the world is reverting back to a concept of using herbal medicine for cure for its no side affects but due to heavy investments in Allopathic medicine its not easy. Foresight practitioners identified an action plan to integrate the herbal treatment in hospitals which are observed now in government hospitals. It is also due to huge burden on the doctors who often make mistakes while treating a patient. In local Health Technology Foresight, it was maintained that the rush in hospitals will keep increasing until we give awareness about treating most of the diseases at home which need no doctor to take care of or often a small prevention can take care of the disease or herbal medicine.

Following the teachings of spiritual leaders about cleanliness and piety can save humanity from a large number of health issues. Foresight experts are also considering integrating the spiritual healers in the mainstream hospitals to give psychological treatments to many who are being affected by contagious nature of media preaching for businesses. Spirituality just gives confidence which gives mind the message that its not a big problem for God to take care of. Ultimately, due to this message to mind, the cure can be expedited. Many cases of cure have been reported using spirituality.

There are experiments, the scientific ones, revealing that the texture of water and food getting changed after spiritual recitations. This has been validated in a Technology Foresight for Health sector with a group of experts coming from public and private sector, academia, non-profit organizations and others from society. It was highlighted that we need to give awareness to decrease pressure on hospitals as it is in-necessary reliance on hospitals. International training in Technology Foresight intimated that deaths in US only due to doctors mistakes per years are about 1.5 millions.

Health is very divine gift of nature and professions related to it are also need to focus on not the material capital but spiritual capital which needs strong faith not finances.


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