STAFF REPORT IBD: Translating IT policies into realistic goals when securing weakest points has become increasingly daunting when better technologies are enabling exponential growth in volumes of data making management of security and recovery constantly evolving challenges and Techaccess Pakistan, in partnership with Symantec, battles these challenges every day and has successfully helped its enterprise clients create, realize and enforce their IT goals.

This was expressed at a seminar Is Your Data Protected? recently held in Islamabad with the purpose of highlighting the efforts to equip clients with actionable information to secure their current and future prospects.

On the occasion, Fady, Osama Ilbezi and Abdul Samad from Symantec exhaustively explained why and how their Company retains this leadership.

Granular recovery of backups plus a very intuitive Vray extension to Netbackup product allows logical insight into how data is structured in effect De-duplication and intelligently managing traffic to meet backup windows.

Additionally the NetBackup Appliances were introduced, which as an additional option for customers to simplify deployment and maintenance of marketing-leading NetBackup.

The NetBackup appliances are ideal for customers looking for turnkey solutions for their organization. The appliances enable efficient, storage-optimized data protection for the data center, remote office and virtual environments.

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