STAFF REPORT KHI: As sufficient wheat stock of over 9.3 million tons is available with the government reserves for domestic consumption as against the normal release of average 6.3 million tons per annum, said an official of the Agriculture Policy Institute.

“The country is in a comfortable position in terms of wheat production and consumption due to bumper crops achieved during last 4 years,” he explained.

He informed that during the year 2010-11 about 25.21 million ton wheat were produced while in 2011-12 the total output of the wheat was recorded at 24 million tons and in 2011-12 it was recorded at 23.34 million.

By May 2012, about 3.51 million tons of wheat carry forward stock was available in addition to about 23.34 million tons of current year’s production, which mounted the local output to over 27 million tons against the domestic consumption of 25 million tons, he added.

The current wheat marketing year is likely to conclude with two million tons of wheat surplus which enables the country to export the commodity and fetch foreign exchange for the country.

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