STAFF REPORT IBD: PTA has directed the PTCL to make necessary arrangements for meeting the requirements for new WLL sales as mentioned in the PTAs Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Wireless Local Loop Subscribers, which require Documentation and Activation of Connections after Verification from NADRA.

The Authority further directed the Company to disconnect all numbers issued in excess in contravention of the SOP, subject to verification with the subscribers and submit a compliance report to the Authority.

PTA in its order had maintained that any illegal activity if committed on the numbers/connection issued by PTCL in contravention of the SOP, the licensee would be held liable and responsible for all legal consequences.

The telecom watchdog has also said that in order to ensure the applicability of the SOP for WLL sales, authority sought information from PTCL with regard to subscribers information through e-mails and letters in late 2011 and required it to furnish Wireless Service Agreement (WSAFs), CNICs copies of 98 VPTCL numbers and Antecedents of 76 VPTCL subscribers.

In response to which PTCL was unable to provide any of the details to the authority, which lead PTA to issue a show cause notice to PTCL to explain the situation.

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