STAFF REPORT LHR: InfoTech continues to achieve recognition for its proprietary Capizar® Capital Market Suite which has already been deployed successfully in Pakistan, Ghana and Bhutan. Most recently, the Company has won the bid to deploy an advanced Market Surveillance System, Capizar® Capital Market Suite, in Kenya as part of its mandate to maintain an orderly, transparent and efficient market, and thus protect investor interests across that country.

Earlier, the CMA had embarked on a programme to automate their Depository and Settlement (DSS) Operations in November 2004, implement the Automated Trading System (ATS) in September 2006, their Wide Area Network (WAN) in December 2007 and had successfully installed the Broker Back Office (BBO) in early-2012.

Naseer Akhtar, CEO InfoTech, said, “The implementation of the Capizar Market Surveillance will ensure that trading remains the foremost priority and that it is conducted in a transparent manner.”

The new market surveillance system deployed at the CMA envisaged to “go live” by Sep 2012 and will enhance the monitoring of trading activities.

It will help towards identifying unusual trading patterns and market conditions that indicate violations of the Capital Markets Act and Regulations.

“Our Company has stepped up its oversight role to ensure real time surveillance and any irregularities in trading are identified and curbed early enough through the successful implementation of an enhanced surveillance system called Capizar® Market Surveillance,” said Stella Kilonzo, Chief Executive of Capital Markets Authority, while commenting on this development.

She further observed that the Authority reaffirms its commitment to create, maintain and regulate a market in which securities can be traded in an orderly, fair and efficient manner. The new surveillance system will enable us to monitor trading activities in the market on real time basis by providing early warning signs through the use of alerts.

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